We can now test women's ovarian reserve using a blood test called Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). Medical research has come so far, but in general, we are still held hostage by biology, natural ageing and the physical process of egg decline over the reproductive years in a female body.
What is an AMH?
AMH is the acronym for Anti-Müllerian hormone. This is a hormone that is secreted from the granulose cells of the ovary. AMH is secreted by the cells of emerging egg sacs (follicles) The test is performed via a sample of your blood.
How can I get my AMH tested?
You will require a referral request from your GP or specialist to have an AMH test done. Although this test can be done at any stage in your cycle, it is recommended that you have this test in the early phase of your cycle (or between day 5-14 of your cycle for the most accurate reading). The test is more reliable when you are not on an OCP (oral contraceptive pill).
AMH blood test can be performed by most major pathology laboratories, Including Melbourne Pathology, ACL, Dorevitch, St Vincents Pathology and more. It takes between 1-2 weeks for a report to come back with your result. You do not need to fast for this test. The test will cost approximately $90 and there is currently no Medicare rebate available for this test.
How do you measure ovarian reserve?
There are two good ways to measure egg count: a pelvic ultrasound to check antral follicle count and an AMH (Anti-Müllerian hormone) test. During an ultrasound, a doctor performs an ultrasound scan to count the visible follicles. This is called an antral follicle count (AFC). Each follicle may contain an immature egg that could potentially mature and ovulate. This can be a vital consideration prior to embarking on an IVF cycle using stimulation drugs.
Reference Ranges
Low ovarian reserve - suggests a low ovarian reserve when age matched, this could make trying for a baby more difficult and take you longer to achieve a pregnancy.
Normal ovarian reserve: Sufficient ovarian reserve when age matched. High ovarian reserve: Sufficient reserve or higher than expected when matched against your age. You may also have a high ovarian reserve if you have polycystic ovaries (PCO) or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Why would I have my AMH level tested?
If you are concerned about your AMH, or would like to find out how to get tested, please be in touch with our rooms on (03) 9428 7572.